おかげさまで、Tanto Tanto Music Scoreで販売している楽譜がついに500曲を超えました。
5年以上継続して受講されている方が、やむを得ずレッスンをキャンセルされる場合、Tanto Tanto Music Score
We are excited to announce that, thanks to your unwavering support, our collection at
Tanto Tanto Music Score has surpassed 500 music scores!
To express our gratitude, we are implementing a special benefit exclusively for
our dedicated long-term students.
If you have been enrolled for over five years and need to cancel a lesson unexpectedly,
you are entitled to download 1 music score of your choice for free from Tanto Tanto Music Score.
You can confidently deduct the cost of this score from your monthly tuition.
Claim your offer now by accessing the link below: