I want to thank everyone for coming to SIMC’s 7th Winter Concert on February 26. It was our first concert in about two and a half years. We are so glad that all the students and guest performers could participate in this grand event. We had the privilege of enjoying 45 solo performances and 22 ensembles groups, a marvelous mix of many styles of music.
My sincerest gratitude to all the people who helped to make this possible for us. I would like to recognize and thank all the staff members who worked so hard to make our event such a success. Even though I was backstage the entire time, please know how much I wanted to greet each of you individually. I am so proud of all the performers for sharing their very best effort with us that resulted in a whole day of beautiful music. Thank you so much!
Sushiana Tamaki
約2年半ぶりの発表会でしたが全員が参加できて、本当によかったです。今回のプログラムは ソロ45曲、アンサンブル22曲と、様々なジャンルの音楽を楽しむことができました。こんなに大人数で開催出来たのも色んな方々のお力添えがあってこそだと感謝しています